
You are precious 

Mental Health conditions can affect children at any age. Children and young people who suffer from mental health disorders are mostly undiagnosed and are hesitant in seeking help or treatment. 

“You are precious” is curated to specially make children aware that physical and mental health are linked to each other and are equally important for a holistic development. In this program, children are first introduced to the concept of Mental Health and its importance, and through interesting activities, children are made aware of the signs and symptoms of sadness or depression and several ways to overcome them.

You Raise Me Up 

You raise me up is a special workshop for parents and parents-to-be to make children aware of the stressors they would have to face, and ways to handle them on time. The workshop also guides parents on how to be mindful of their own mental health while they care for their children.

You enlighten my path

As educators, teachers play a vital role in shaping the lives of children. Understanding and promoting mental well-being is crucial to fostering a positive learning environment. You enlighten my path is a workshop enables the teachers to explore various stressors children go through and it equips them with essential knowledge and strategies to support the emotional well-being of children.

Igniting the power within you

Is a special workshop for women who are prone to stress and anxiety way more than anybody else. Women play the most vital role – Mother, Sister, Daughter, Friend, Colleague, etc. and are known to be multitaskers. 

While they strive hard to make things work for everybody else, they somehow leave themselves behind without realizing the accumulation of stress and anxiety. This workshop addresses different stressors of women of all age groups and ways to manage them effectively for a better living